Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Blog 12 revised (again)

1. Tell me about the different housing options clients have here at Union Station. How are they different, how are they similar?

2. Which have you had experience working in? 

3. Is there anything you especially like about one of the facilities?

4. Do you have a favorite facility? In terms of either, what they do inside there, or favorite in terms of favorite to do work inside of?

5. How much of an impact on the homeless community do you think each facility has?

6. Which has the largest impact?

7. Can you tell me about the new facility, Del Mar?

8. How long had Del Mar been in the works? 

9. Do you expect it to be just as, if not more important than the other facilities already in place? 

10. If you had to work in one of those facilities for the rest of your career, which would you choose? Why?

1 comment:


    1. Tell me about the different housing options clients have here at Union Station. How are they different, how are they similar?

    2. Which have you had experience working in?

    3. Is there anything you especially like about one of the facilities?

    4. Do you have a favorite facility? In terms of either, what they do inside there, or favorite in terms of favorite to do work inside of?

    5. How much of an impact on the homeless community do you think each facility has?

    6. Which has the largest impact?

    7. Can you tell me about the new facility, Del Mar?

    8. How long had Del Mar been in the works?

    9. Do you expect it to be just as, if not more important than the other facilities already in place?

    10. If you had to work in one of those facilities for the rest of your career, which would you choose? Why?
