Friday, February 7, 2014

Blog 12 revised

blog 12

1. What's the best thing about this job, in your eyes?

2. Is there ever a time you think about getting a different job, or wishing you never got into this organization?

3. How has doing this as a career changed you?

4. Do you see yourself doing this until retirement?

5. What makes this so enjoyable to you?

6. If the college you saw what you were doing right now, what would their reaction be?

7.  If you had to make a pitch to someone to get into this organization, what would that pitch be? What would you say?

8. What is one thing about this career that makes it more unique than others?

9. If you had to talk someone into chasing this a career, what would you pitch to them?

10. Name one moment that speaks to you the most. Like, where you just thought "man, I love my job" when it happened.

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